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ABOV Semiconductor presents a wide range of 8-bit MCUs that are based on M8051 cores. We have experienced a variety of consumer electronics with them, and based on this, we can provide excellent noise immunity, code optimization, and cost savings for customer’s board design.
Our 8-bit MCUs can be used for many different applications such as smart home appliance, smoke Detector, touch, and remote controller, as well as achieve smart Integration by utilizing multiple communications and rich advanced analog IPs.
Easy-to-use Ecosystem and a lot of experience of mass production are also our strength.
Go to 8-bit product page
A96G140KN; A96G148KN; A96G166KN ;A96G140CL; A96G140CU; A96G166LU;
A96G174FU; A96S174FU;
A94B114FDN; A96A166FD;
A96G166FD; A96G166GD
A96G174FD; A96A148GD;
A94B114FRN; A96G148GR;
A96G166FR; A96G174FR;
A96S174FR; A94B114AEN;
A96G166AE; A96G174AE;
A96G181DS; A96G181HD;
A96G140SQ; A96G148SQ;
A96G140GD; A96G140GR;
A96G140KD; A96G148CL;
A96G148CU; A96G148GD;
A96G148KD; A96S166FR;
A96G150SN; A96G150SN2;
A96G166GR; A96G140SN;
ABOV’s 32-bit microcontroller product line is based on Arm® Cortex®-M processor, and widely used for large and small home appliances, personal healthcare products, toys, and industrial applications. We provide MCU developers with a variety of tools and software options to support their project development.
G1 series; G2 series; G3 series;
G5 Series;
S1 Series,
L1/L2/L7 series;
M series
Along with MCUs, Abov is offering dedicated devices for applications. Product solutions are:
Home appliance Solution
Motor Solution
Sensor Solution,
Power Soluiton,Fire & Safety solution
Logic ICs
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