I have spent all my career in the semiconductor industry.
Marketing manager of the STM32mainstream family and the STM8 MCUs, I lead the team who created the latest STM32C0-G0 and G4 et STMicroelectronics, in addition to the business development of all the mainstream MCUs.
Driving the price policy of the MCU portfolio for years, we have ranked these products at the top of the Mass market MCU vendors.
With a marketing career starting in the Silicon Valley (CA) early Y2K, covering the business development activity for Aerospace Asics at Atmel / Temic Semiconductor. I got very familiar with all the customer's & developers' expectations.
Prior to this, the experience accumulated as component engineer at MHS has been very useful to understand and adapt myself to the technical challenges encountered in the semiconductor industry.
This experience is made available for your developments. In consumer, industrial, automotive or aerospace segments, I can support your activity in the best way.
Founder and executive director: Patrice Hamard
Sample-Me is dedicated to represent major Microcomponents manufacturers all accross EMEA. Our goal is to provide them qualified leads thanks to a simplified access to early samples for our customers.
All will benefits of a strong logistic garanteed by our partnership.
New product introductions are going to be far more efficient and well targeted
Should you want to know more about all services we can provide you with, do not hesitate to contact us. Sample deliveries are free of charge, with the respect of your privacy guaranteed.
Our team is ready to support you in developing your engineering projects.
To know more about the brands represented. Follow the link.
Phone: +33(0)672140779
E-mail: contact@sample-me.com
Address : 11 Boulevard de la grande Thumine, Parc d’Ariane, Bâtiment E1 RDC Porte N°3, 13090 Aix-En-Provence
Sample-Me , SAS au capital de 5000 euros SIRET n° 984 340 224 0018 VAT:FR209843400224
Siège Social : 11 Bd de la grande Thumine, Parc d’ariane, Bâtiment E1 RDC Porte N°3, 13090 Aix-En-Provence
11 Bd de la grande Thumine, Parc d’ariane, Bâtiment E1 RDC Porte N°3
13090 Aix-En-Provence
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